Andy in lower Alabama

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Andy in lower Alabama

Post by MstrAv8r »

Hello all! My name is Andy, and I’m living in Enterprise, AL (originally from California, but moved here last year here after retiring from the military and seeking a SANE location to raise my children and work). I went on the retired reserve roles of the U.S. Army in April of this year after nearly 25 years as an H60 and EC145 line-pilot, and eventually an instructor, check airman, and functional check pilot in the EC145.

Last year, during COVID, with the exceptionaly strong-armed restrictions in effect in California, I began looking into building a plane. Of course I loved the composite planes like the Lancairs, but quickly brought my expectations back down from low-earth orbit and decided I wanted to build an RV-10. After a lot of thought regarding employment stability, COVID, upcoming retirement, and “cooling-off”, I let the “bug” fade. I was flying my Uncle’s my PA24 Comanche a lot, and recently bought into a partnership on a Mooney M20J(201).

Fast-forward a year, and I caught the bug, again. I almost pulled the trigger on an RV-10 kit, but I kept looking at the TSi. The little and relatively weak TSi engine was a detractor, and sometimes when researching TSi specs, Sling 4 specs are presented, further jading my opinion of a great little plane. The more I researched, the more I began to fall in love with the South African bird. I love the altitude performance of the TSI, it really begins to outshine the RV above 10K. I plan to take this plane back to Central California a couple of times a year to visit my folks, and being able to get into the flight levels will be awesome coming home. The final advantage that I noted of the sling is the ease of construction.

Yesterday, I received confirmation that my empennage kit deposit was received. I ordered the emp kit only because if I don’t like it, or can’t stick to it, I’m only out a few grand, and it should be easy to sell if that is the conclusion that I arrive at. It looks like it will be about nine months for the kit to be manufactured and shipped overwater to Torrance. I can’t wait!

Does anybody have a recommended tool list to begin with. I do plan to get a DRDT2, a Stanley pneumatic riveter (the model recommended in the Sling videos), and the 12v Milwaukee Riveter. What other recommendations are must-haves? I will be priming everything with AKZO 2 part epoxy primer. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Andy in lower Alabama

Post by PhilipRueker »

Welcome to the group.

I have a list of the tools and supplies I'm using in my build on my build log online -
I'm only using the Milwaukee riveter, so I don't need to worry about compressor noise.
Building a Sling TSi in my Garage.
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Re: Andy in lower Alabama

Post by ibgarrett »

Welcome to the group as well. Given your background and current retirement status my bet is you are going to fly (pun certainly intended) through the empennage kit. It's very straight forward and easy to assemble.
Brian Garrett
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Re: Andy in lower Alabama

Post by hpmicrowave »

Andy, great to see you jumping into the Sling family!! I'm building a TSi quick build at my hangar in Baker FL, only about 47.6 NM's away from Enterprise! I'm next to the CEW VORTAC at the Baker Sky Ranch Airport (18FD). Give me call if you would like to come visit my TSi project in full swing!!

Cecil Jones

Cell or Text 850-496-0464
Cecil Jones
Building Sling TSi (Low Wing)
Built/Flying Vans RV8
FtWalton Beach FL/Baker FL 18FD
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